The things The Joey offers!
There are many things to select from! The Joey Incorporated may not be able to please everyone, but she certainly does try to please those who matter most. Just go to the contact page to find out how to order.
Cushion Service
Those who ask or force The Joey to be made into a cushion will have to deal with select times of being pushed away, kicked, hit, etc. The Joey is an individual who will not be made a fool of. Those select few who believe that The Joey will be a cushion to yourself at anytime is very much mistaken and will have to learn a lesson on behalf of their behavior.
Friendship Repair
To the understanding of most individuals, many times through the years, a friendship may need repairing. The Joey will be there, without chosing sides, for both individuals. If caught in the middle, The Joey will not be held accountable to the outcome of the individual's situation.
If at any time there is a friendship repair needed between The Joey and an individual, The Joey will be, depending the situation, held against any damage to the house, vehicle, family members, pets, or body organs The Joey is rightfully accused of damaging. If a false accusation occurs, The Joey will not be held against any damages rightfully devoured after the accusation has been made.
Automotive Transportation
Knowing well that our customers do live very far distances, The Joey may not be able to transport certain people to certain areas. If this occurs, keep in mind that many people ask too much of The Joey already. It is tough enough having friends, keeping them, having a job, working that, and having a car, taking care of it, that The Joey does not and will cease to take any orders at all.
Explaination: Just because The Joey has a car, does not mean she will come pick you up or bring you home. If she does, and does so reoccurringly, you may end up owing The Joey money for services. Gas does not grow on trees and neither does money! Time spent driving will get annoying to The Joey after long periods of time or many times through out a day that The Joey will become annoyed and snap back at the individual asking The Joey to drive them places.